Raise Your Hand

Happy New Year, Reader! It was a bumpy finish, but I made it through 2023.  If you’re reading this, then you made it through, too.  Cheers to all of us for persisting and living to see another year begin.

Two days ago, we took the kids to see the Harlem Globetrotters.  My son is a basketball freak, and we got seats close to the court.  Before the game started, the players called out to the crowd, asking who was the biggest superfan.  My son raised his hand and started jumping up and down.  They saw him, called him onto the court, gave him a signed jersey, let him try to make a free throw shot, then they all hit the griddy at half court.  It was a big, magical day for him.

And all because he raised his hand.

Reader, my son inspired me. As we head into 2024, I’m leaving behind everything in my life that has kept me from raising my hand, and I invite you to do the same.  Life is too short not to jump up and down at every opportunity that comes our way. 

I’m happily typing on a plane bound to Denver where my little family and I are taking a train to Glenwood Springs. I’ve got a notebook to finish up some songs.  The kids are reading Berenstain Bears, and my husband and mother are snoring away.  It’s a peaceful start to 2024.  I’ll tell you all about it next Monday.  Wishing you a courageous start to a new year. -Em


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